The Token Economy
Tokens are the new form of value transfer without a central structure but rather a decentralized structure. With now more than 200 Tokens being traded on exchanges and more ICOs coming soon its a whole new economy coming to age. In today's world, Developers can wake up a day, build a business case or problem that can be solved with the power of the block-chain or even without, write a white paper, run a marketing campaign, organize an ICO and then Raise over $30m and exchange about 30m tokens for investors to keep as value for the project being built. Thats the new magic developers have today, and it has begun creating a new economy both in mind and also at hand. In the near future, we shall have digit wallets that will carry our different tokens for different uses from , Utility tokens to securities tokens and even fun tokens. We shall be paying for parking in tokens, paying for food , Gas , drinks, and so much more including Salaries. Despite this underlying will be...